Saturday, April 15, 2006

Things I know from experience

When you have your fingers inside the electric beater, it is a bad time to try out all the buttons to see what they do.

It is never a good time to tell your mother that she has a big nose, even if it is kind of true.

Kitchen utensils make good soldering prods, but not if your mother finds out.

Hydrochloric acid has absolutely no place in the kitchen, especially if you're not wearing gloves or goggles.

Well-aimed propane torches are a good substitute for herbicides in the garden.

Computers work in mysterious ways.

It seems that whatever happened to the computer before has happened again. It's got a trojan horse that comes in and disables all antivirus/anti-spyware/anti-popup/firewall programs on the computer and then prevents you from accessing any website remotely related to keeping your computer safe. It will gladly let you uninstall your antivirus programs, but you can't possibly reinstall them. Other than that, it does nothing.

We had the same thing a few months ago, and we figured that it was because my sister let the antivirus subscription lapse without telling anyone for a month. This time the program had been installed properly with a two year subscription and was working just fine.

Until yesterday, that is. Suddenly my sister got a message that said that a) the trial subscription had expired and b) that we had to activate the program. Of course, she clicked the button that was supposed to activate the program and that froze the computer.

All this happened last time too. I thought it was over because we got my mom's favourite computer guru to check it and fix everything and everything was working fine. Apparently not.


Are you bored of flower photos? So am I. I'm going to see if I can go a week without posting any. Here goes.