Upass or up ass, that is the question.
When I paid my tuition for the summer, the $98 Upass fee was included in there somewhere, which for those who don't know what I'm talking about is the government issue bus pass that I get for being a student. $98 for four months, which is a hell of a lot better than the 120something I would have to pay each month if I didn't have the upass.
Problem is that my spring upass expires today and no one bothered to mail me my summer upass that I should be getting because I paid for it. So I checked the website and found out that someone suddenly decided that they would be so kind as to exempt me from the upass program because I'm only taking correspondence courses this summer and don't need to go to school.
But what if I need to go to work?
And what if the only reason that I took summer courses was so that I could get a upass?
These things evidently don't matter because a refund cheque for $98 is in the mail. Stupid fucking Translink bastards.
Now that my grandmother lives in White Rock and a lot closer to us we apparently have to visit her a lot more often.
That means we also have to visit the white rock more often. It is a rock and it is white. Once in a while some crazy kids hellbent on fucking with the system graffiti all over the white rock rendering it some other colour than white. Then someone has to get out there and paint it white again because the white rock has to be white. It's in White Rock after all.
Out on the western side of the White Rock strip we decided to have some dinner. After surveying the options available we were stuck with a tough decision: fish and chips or fish and chips? I mean, if we didn't want fish and chips we could always have fish and chips instead. These were the options open to us at the time. We finally decided upon fish and chips.
The place that we were at unfortunately lacked canned mushy peas, which saddened me greatly. It did however have homemade tartar sauce, Germans and really retro looking Superman cartoons playing, thereby earning brownie points.
Outside, people drove their convertables up and down the strip there. Apparently the Trooper song about the boys in the bright white sports car is about people who drive along that very road by the beach in the summer. Betcha didn't know that.
Boundary Bay is an important area for environmentalists and birdwatchers because there is a huge number of species of birds that live there or stop by while they're migrating. That explains why I only saw two different types.
My father suggested that I lay down on the train tracks and rest my ear on the rails so I could listen for trains approaching and my sister suggested that I just leave my head there.
I said something that bothered my sister at some point or other today and she kneed me in the crotch, which both anatomically and otherwise was a pointless waste of time.