Sunday, December 30, 2007

I love retro.


And just where have I been?

I've been busy, that's what. I've been out doing things with people and not sitting in front of the computer, and I got the above box of yarn in the mail the other day and I've been ploughing through it.

I don't really talk about knitting much on this blog, but people who have been reading for a while may remember that I knit a cardigan a little over a year ago and blogged about it all of about two times. The only problem was that I realized as I was sewing the pieces together that I had knit it in yarn that was way, way too bulky so it was kind of misshapen and unwearable and it's sat half sewn on my couch for about five or six months now.

The thing is that I still love the jacket and I still want it so the brown in the mix there will hopefully look like this:


From the fall 1979 issue of Better Homes and Gardens Creative Needlework and Crafts magazine. I love almost every single sweater in that magazine. The blue-green yarn is destined for something else.

I'm also designing something. I don't feel like talking about it yet because most of my projects never make it off the ground, but it's also retro themed, and to give you an idea:

But nothing to do with those colours.