Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The five question game
1. What are you studying, and why have you chosen to study that? (If you would like to also answer that favorite question of older relatives, 'And what do you plan to do with that?, feel free, but that part's optional).
Right now I'm studying communications with a minor in sociology and resource and environmental management. I decided upon communications originally because my parents wanted me to get into broadcast journalism, but now I find that cmns gives me the chance to take a lot of completely different courses (ie. political economics, sociology, computing science, film history, regulatory law, labour studies, marxist studies) that are all considered "communication". I figure that if I wasn't a cmns student, I would be stuck taking general arts because I wouldn't be able to decide upon one thing.
As for what I'm going to do with it... That's the million dollar question. Most of my colleagues are going into marketing, but I have neither the personality nor the desire to do that. Right now I'm seriously considering a master's degree in urban studies. Next year 3.5 billion people will live in cities and that number will likely double by something like 2012. I figure a degree like that could come in handy.
2. You have access to a box of magic pills, each of which bestows a different superpower on whomever takes it. You may only choose one pill. Which superpower pill will you choose, and what will you do with your newfound ability?
There’s the old standby talking to animals which are probably a tad more intelligent than everyone thinks, but only if I get to choose the animal. There are some things that I just wouldn’t want to talk to like the ants eating the dead clam in the middle of the train station parking lot this morning. Their conversation would go something like “Oooh, it’s dead and it smells! Let’s take it to the queen!” and I don’t need to hear that. Party tricks like belching fire or some other form of pyrotechnics would be cool. I could burn myself alive and then rise up again like a phoenix and rent myself out to protest groups worldwide. I could travel, support good causes and maybe even get paid to do it. I guess I could get the ability to blend in with my surroundings and be invisible or something, but I’m already good at that, so I’d have to choose teleporting. I could see a lot of the world that way and I could sleep in a little more and still get to work on time. Entirely selfish reasons, I know.
3. You can spend tomorrow anywhere that you'd like, doing anything that you'd like. Where will you be, and what will you do? Feel free to set details, such as the weather, however you'd like them.
Hmm... Though I'd like to save the world, I seem to remember promising a certain someone that I'd go see a Kaizers Orchestra concert with him. That being said, I'd have to go to Norway, somewhere. Since I'd only be there for a day, I'm alright with skipping the fjords, because I live in British Columbia and we have twice as many of them as Norway does. I might have to drag him to a museum or two though, because I'm a geek and I like that sort of stuff. I heard that The Scream went missing again. Did they ever get it back?
4. You are given the chance to time-travel, 1000 years into the past, or 1000 years into the future. Which time would you choose, and what would be the first thing you'd want to do once you get there (after dealing with the practicalities, such as finding yourself time-appropriate clothing)?
While I would hope that everyone had sorted out their differences and the problems with the world by a thousand years in the future, I'm quite tempted to believe that we won't, and that the world won't be a very nice place to visit by then.
The question is whether or not something interesting happened in 1006. Luckily something did. The largest and brightest supernova ever recorded happened between April 30 and December of that year, so I think I'd hang around to see that. Supposedly for the first three months it was bright enough to be seen by day and allow people read manuscripts by night, and it was seen by people all over Europe, Asia and possibly North America.
5. You have been given the ability to create a completely new food. Please describe that food in any way you can think of…type of food, food group, taste, texture, anything else that comes to mind.
I think that as far as food is concerned, I'm pretty happy with the variety that is out there. I'd want to try pretty much everything before I started creating completely new foods, just to be sure that they are new. That being said, if I had free reign in the food department, whatever I created would certainly be crunchy, though not so much as to break your teeth, and would neither be sweet nor sour. It would be the kind of thing that makes your house smell really nice. Other than that, I'm really not sure. I'm always creating new things in the kitchen. It's fun to mix weird things together to see what I get. I mixed apples, avocadoes and curry together once and it was surprisingly good. Who would have known? :)
This round of questions courtesy of Kimananda. The fine print:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
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8:36 PM
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