Saturday, June 17, 2006
Hello Air Canada
It's when I start answering the phones "Hello, Air Canada," that you've got to wonder exactly how much sleep I got the night before, especially when I neither work for nor have I ever worked for Air Canada. Sometimes when I'm tired these things just come out. If it isn't Air Canada it's just hello, and that isn't any better.
After screwing up enough times, I picked up the phone to answer a call but couldn't remember what I was supposed to say so I just sat there. I figured that it would be better for me to wait and say the right thing than it would be to say the wrong thing again and keep backtracking.
After about ten seconds of sitting there with the phone to my ear I selected the correct greeting and thankfully it was one of the managers from the office who was at the other end of the line. She needed me to find her a parking spot in the parkade within ten minutes, because I do those sorts of things.
When they reorganized the department they decided that instead of having a couple of people in each division handling things like continuing education, travel claims, borrowing equipment, buying supplies and such, they would centralize that stuff in one office on one floor. They centralized pretty much everything except for the parking spot bookings.
Consequently, I have one parking spot that I can give out to the first person who asks for it. The manager that called me was not the first person and unfortunately no one has ever thought to put together a list of all the other people who have parking stalls to lend out so I had no idea who to call. By fluke I found one and called her back with the number.
She was pleased and bought me a coffee. I needed it badly.
On Monday we are having an open house with some sort of beach theme and one woman brought in some 50's music today and began dancing around with one of those snakes you get from Ikea. It would have been really funny if I hadn't been having so much trouble answering my own phone.
Come Monday though, my desk is going to be the best decorated by far. Until then I'm going to take care of my headache.
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12:03 AM
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