The object of the game is to see how much you can smuggle into the movie theatre without being caught. The more unorthodox the food the better. This time it was three packages of pudding cups, two bottles of pop, a package of cookies and miscellaneous things that we bought from the bulk bins, including half a kilo of macaroons. Maybe next Wednesday we'll try a cheesecake.
It's not that hard, really. They don't even look twice when your friend walks in from the snow in a tshirt with his jacket wrapped up in an oddly bulky bundle or at your friend who has a huge, huge purse. Me? I'm just chubby. Or pregnant. We're not sure.
Anyways, we got in there only realize that we didn't have spoons for our pudding so I got them from the food services people. Since there was no one else really there last night I couldn't help but think that they noticed that we got spoons and no food but the guy behind the counter thought I was cute. Pfft.
We saw Smokin' Aces. Not my kind of movie on the best of days, but not bad, I guess. Lots of guns and blood and shenanigans. Colourful characters, but I thought there were too many of them and too many flashbacks and things happening all over the place to really focus on anyone but the guy who they were all trying to kill/save but mostly kill, a man who, unfortunately for the movie, I didn't really like. All in all, it was missing something, somehow. I'm not sure what. But like I said, it's not my kind of movie.
Something about today put me in a good mood. It may have only been the weather, but I hope it stays. Whenever I feel good I secretly hope that it's here to stay, which makes it that much harder when it turns out that that's not the case. Sometimes I get the feeling that if I just accepted that I will always feel crappy the majority of the time that I wouldn't get that little pang of despair as I'm falling into it again.
But today I was in a good mood. I'll leave it at that.
Is that pudding in your pants or are you happy to see me?
Thursday, March 01, 2007
My name is macaroon
Posted by
11:01 AM
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