I spent pretty much my entire day today with Miss Kenny because she has pneumonia and an eye infection and the people at the daycare don't want her spreading it there.
The pros? Compared to Miss Garrett, Ken's pretty laid back and well behaved. She doesn't demand your attention all the time and she'll pretty much occupy herself. She has an incredibly long attention span for a child her age.
The fact that she was sick meant that she didn't have a lot of energy for much, which meant that when she finally realized that her parents were not at home, she was too tired to throw a full scale tantrum. Just a couple of tears before she fell asleep on my lap.
It also threw her eating schedule on its head so she didn't ask for any food and didn't express any interest in eating when I asked her repeatedly if she was hungry. Figuring that I should feed her before her parents came home, I finally made myself a sandwich and poured myself a glass of milk and set about looking like I was really enjoying having lunch while she looked on. All of a sudden there was a look of sheer horror on her face as she realized that she hadn't eaten anything in nearly eight hours. It didn't take long to fix that.
Why do I mention this? Well, since she was fed so late in the day, it wasn't until literally seconds before I heard the front door unlocking that she fixed me with an evil grin and said "I pooped!" The fact that her father had just arrived absolved me of all responsibility there.
Cons? She spent all day coughing up phlegm and having all sorts of weird and wonderful crap coming out of her nose. In spite of following her around with a cloth and washing her face repeatedly it still got on her shirt, in her eyes and all through her hair, and by extension, in my lap when she fell asleep.
I also got no work whatsoever done for school, which sets me back a bit. Grargh!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Miss Kenny
Posted by
11:58 PM
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