Sunday, May 27, 2007

Erin is not so much in a partying mood.

IMG_5570_1After not a lot of consideration, I passed on the generous offer to go out to that rural part of Maple Ridge right near the correctional centre to have a party that involves drinking topless in a hot tub until you pass out.

Brown gets a B+ for effort though, by stating that the two people in our extended social circle who are most likely to grope you would not be there (which doesn't really bar the third, fourth and fifth in line from doing it).

I also got the very generous offer of not only being able to sleep in the trailer, but being entitled to the bed and bathroom in it too. Of course, I'd have to share the bed with Brown's brother and his boyfriend, but there are far worse things in life than sharing a bed with two gay guys.

In all honesty, mostly I'm just not in the mood. That and I don't like hot tubs at all. And, well, some of their friends are nice enough people, and others, I don't know.

Like, just last night, waiting in line for Pirates of the Caribbean, he introduced us to a friend that I hadn't met: "[name I've already forgotten], this is Don't Touch and Don't Touch," to which the friend replied "Come on, Brown, even I have standards!" proving that he was a bigger moron than he looked, for thinking he even had a chance.