Friday, September 30, 2005


In with the newspaper was one of those pull out retail flyers. You know the type: happy smiling family on the front, consuming consuming consuming, going for a good wholesome walk in the woods together.

Across the front in bold, capitalized letters: ADVENTURE.

I, being the rational person I am, immediately expect to find something like camping supplies, or a chance to win a whitewater rafting trip inside.

Instead I find coupons for tampons and shampoo. Sounds like an adventure to me.

I study this stuff at school, and yet I don't claim to understand any of it.

While I was walking home from the bus stop, two seperate horse chestnuts fell out of trees and hit me on the head. I wasn't surprised in the least. To this day I am not sure if I'm more prone than others to having strange little coincidental things happen to me, or it's just that I notice them more.

September is almost over. It has been a weird month.