Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year

I'm off to see Picasso and Jason McLean at the vag. Maybe I will be stunned once again by how beautiful Vancouver is, even in the rain. Maybe it will turn out to be sunny. Maybe there will be a protest there that I can take pictures of. How am I to know?

First Night's not on this year, not that I was planning on going, but still it's sad that we can't seem to have any sort of big events without an incredibly huge police presence. Other cities can do it. Why can't we?

I still think I should do some sort of year in review but I don't really want to. Other than having a party, I don't really think there's anything really significant about New Years. Is it when the school year ends? No. Is it when the fiscal year ends? No. Will January 1, 2006 be drastically different from today? Probably not, though I guess we have to wait and see about that.

How do you end a completely pointless post? Happy new year, I guess. Seems a pretty pathetic way to end the year. Maybe next year I will have something better to say.