Hello, you have reached my voicemail. I am temporarily out of my mind.
Please leave a message with your name and number and you will be entered in a free draw. Winners are chosen every second Tuesday and receive an all-expenses-paid phone call from myself about the subject that they specified in their message.
No purchase necessary. It is the winner's responsibility to answer their phone at the time that I call. Those who do not leave their phone number will be automatically disqualified because I am a dinosaur and do not have call display.
Winners are obligated to answer a skill-testing question. Previous skill-testing quesions include:
Use the word 'lorf' in a sentence.
Explain the difference between parameters and statistics.
How many letters are in the name of the capital of Albania?
Name the tune that I am humming.
Rules subject to change without notice.
Thank you and good luck.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Fine print
Posted by
10:38 PM
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