So I think harder and come up with something like going in and getting a tattoo over lunch. It would have to be someplace weird though, like that little part at the base of the back of my ear where it joins up with my head.
And what would I get? A dot, of course. It would represent all matter in the universe squished into one place before the big bang. Face it, the matter has to go somewhere. Why not behind my left ear where you'd only be able to see it if I shaved my head? Makes perfect sense to me.
I'd never get a tattoo though. I can't make up my mind at restaurants so I'm positive that whatever I'd get I would regret or dislike within two weeks, at the most.

Matt Good wants a ceasefire and peaceful resolution to escalating violence in the Middle East, especially since the real casualties of war are always innocent civilians.
The Busblog isn't quite the same, now that Tony's writing for LAist, but he's still the blogfather, as far as I'm concerned. Jamie Boud got a new motorcycle. Fil has gone back to writing in the third person. Raymi is Raymi.
Joey de Villa is sending me my very own squishy cow from Toronto. He also posted a picture of some Japanese Doritos that amuses me. I wonder what they taste like.
Gusgreeper is getting married and going off her meds, or "tits" as she prefers to call them. She's been busy molesting spirit bear statues all month. Ryan is still chasing after Edinenya.
Christine was impressed by the waiters in Brussels for all the wrong reasons.
Devon's having a little get together tonight because he's leaving to spend a year in China. I think I'll miss having him around.