Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Two more days of work left and I'm glad. I'm starting to feel redundant, but that's the point. I explain things over and over, and over and over. It would never take that much explaining to train me but I persist. She's catching on, gradually. People tell me I'm such a patient person. Too bad it doesn't seem to get me anywhere.
Up until today I'd forgotten just how much I liked Back to the Future. I love that movie.
I wish people would stop calling me in the middle of class.
I really badly want to say something interesting and relevant to anything but I just don't have it in me today. Too tired. I know that I was going to stay up so I could talk to some people but I just can't tonight. Been doing that too much lately.
Been having trouble sleeping as well. Same old, same old. Toss and turn and lay in weird positions in the hopes that they will unlock the key to somnolence. Drift off only to wake up in a panic because you can't remember if you set your alarm or not which in turn ends up being another hour and a half that you resort to mental massochism for lack of anything better to do.
Why is it that the collective parental unit always seems to arrive when a) I'm not home and b) my apartment just happens to be a big mess? Why can't they come over when I've actually done the dishes for once?
worst. most disjointed. post. ever.
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9:16 PM
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