So, apparently we elected someone who dresses like she was fresh out of a Tokyo strip club because we don't have any rule requiring us to have elected members that speak English and wear clothing from which one's ass doesn't hang out of both ends simultaneously.
My head is a sponge. It is absolutely saturated in mucus and snot that I can't seem to get out. Non-drowsy decongestants make me jittery and paranoid. My heart's doing aerobics and my carotid artery is threatening to jump out of my neck. I really wish I could sleep.
My parents arrived spontaneously for dinner. We ate macaroni and cheese and the tomatoes that I grow out on my balcony for lack of anything better. I've been at such a loss for cooking things lately that I've literally starved myself. I'll grow out of it eventually.
I need:
plain yoghurt
regular, drowsy decongestants
0.5 pencil lead
a life
Kathy and I are going to have a renovation party sometime this weekend. She's been talking about painting her room orange for ages and it wasn't getting done, so I figured I'd help. I got Gina and I tickets to see the Black Halos and Exit This Side at SFU this Friday. Not really my kind of music but she really likes them and she started to squeal and jump up and down when I handed her the ticket at her birthday party. I figure it would be worth it just to catch up with a friend that I haven't really seen much of in the past three years or so.
Fuck, I'm getting social in my old age.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Posted by
11:00 PM
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