Thursday, December 07, 2006

Poor excuse for a post

Kathy and Camila abducted me and we ended up having lunch at Metrotown. They had gone into Chapters earlier to find Christmas presents for people but instead came out with books for themselves. Kathy had managed to find a book about scandals involving famous historical people and serenaded us. Sure, you probably knew that Jefferson had a black mistress, but did you know that she was his wife's half-sister? No, we didn't know that, but I've never been much into paparazzi stuff.

But did Kathy know that between Camilla and I, we are almost an authority on Japanese porn? Not for the obvious reasons though. She adores anime and you're bound to run into that kind of stuff sooner or later. Me? It's a communication student thing. Japan's repressive censorship laws has resulted in some truly disturbing stuff. It's academic. Honest. Stop looking at me that way.

I'm not entirely sure how these things come out in conversations anyways.

Communication's the best discipline though. You get to write papers about television and sex and jeans and the like and have debates about modernity, Marxism and democracy.

We ended up downtown at some point, doing nothing in particular. I really don't have much to say.

For the past while, every few mornings I've been woken around 7ish by thumping and a radio downstairs. I'm guessing that it's people cleaning, but they're odd thumps that almost sound like someone's climbing the stairs to my apartment and then the talk radio almost sounds like someone's turning on my television.

I know better, but my overactive imagination's been screwing with me a lot lately, so there have been a few times when (and I'm embarassed to admit it) I've been genuinely scared to leave my bedroom. I just lay there in bed, thinking that I should put some clothes on until I finally decide either to go back to sleep or to check out what's happening. But there's never anyone there. That's something I could have and often do tell myself before I get up to go check.

Seems I'm getting neurotic in my old age.