Abby walks by on her way to the washroom and kisses the grey cat.
Sally (the cat) sits there with wide eyes, looking very concerned.
Dad + myself, in unison: Did she kiss you, Sally? Yuck!
My sister used to be the kissingest huggingest touchey feeley little sister you could ever hope to have. She'd wrestle you down and then plant the biggest, wettest, grossest kisses on your cheeks at the same time that I was one of those kids that just didn't like to be touched.
Lou has taken up assembling puzzles. She hasn't quite gotten it down just yet, because I found a piece halfway down the hall. But maybe she'll figure it out. I've never seen her sit so still for so long before.
She's the most ADD little cat I've ever seen.
I saw Charlotte's Web today, and I enjoyed it, even though it was kind of overly sentimental at the end and the first couple of minutes were kind of weak-ish and had me a little apprehensive. I never know what to think walking into a film like that. It's a book that I loved to death when I was younger, and I played the animated video almost to death, or at least until the vcr ate it. It makes me so angry and disappointed every time people don't do a good job of translating childrens' books into film. But this one was pretty good.
The Stuart Little movie sucked ass.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
That's my sister.
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11:29 PM
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