Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Walking disaster.

IMG_5264_1I think I'm a hazard to my own health today.

I woke up fatigued and achey and lethargic, had a shower because it seemed like a good idea at the time. I figured it would help wake me up too.

When I got out of the shower, I towelled myself off. I have a habit of doing this flick thing, where I bend over and flick all of my hair into the bathtub before wrapping it up into a towel turban. I'd like to think that it helps my hair dry faster or something, but really it just makes a cool sound, and perhaps the sight of my wet hair flying through the air looks cool too. I've never checked.

Needless to say I bent too low on my flick and conked my head on the side of the bathtub.

I decided that I would have a soft boiled egg for breakfast, just for a change, and stuck the pot of water on the stove to boil. Shortly after I heard and smelled the unmistakeable signs that I had turned on the wrong element on the stove.

Shortly after that, I pulled the boiling pot off the stove and tipped it on the way to the sink enough to hit my foot with some hot water.

If I had been hit by a car I would not have been surprised.