Saturday, November 10, 2007



I woke up this morning to the sudden realization that after spring is over, I have two courses left to finish my degree, two evening courses that I could be doing while working. In spite of that, I don't have quite enough credits completed right now to apply for grad school, which means I'm going to have to wait a year to apply. That means I've got a year of absolutely nothing to do.

Curled up in a fetal position in bed, I began to sing (to the tune of Hole in the Bottom of the Sea*):

there's a hole in the middle of my plans
there's a hole in the middle of my plans
there's a hole
there's a hole
there's a hole in the middle of my plans

there's a year in the hole in the middle of my plans...

there's an abyss of nothingness in the year in the hole in the middle of my plans...

I have no idea what I'm going to do. I don't have student loans and my financial situation is actually pretty good, so it's not like I'm going to be really pressed for money the moment I'm out. But I still need to do something. I wish it could be school.

Other than that, my day has been so uneventful it's not worth talking about.

* It was either Barney or Veggie Tales. I picked the lesser of two evils. Sorry.