Monday, May 26, 2008

Your google search questions answered.

on the bus

Once again, internet, you have asked google random questions and ended up at this blog looking for the answers. Today I deliver:

No, I did not die in a car accident in Cranford.

I don't know if there is a surefire way to get rid of sweat stains, but try mixing baking soda with some water to make a bit of a paste to pre-treat your laundry with. That works on some stains.

No, I am not a brain in a jar, though I have often thought about how awesome that would be.

Now, when you ask "how to awake are INSTINCTS" I think that you should awake your ability to choose the correct homonyms.

To the best of my knowledge I have never had a dream about alligators. I used to have invisible alligators that lived with me sometime before I started kindergarten.

I don't know when the next craft fair in Burnaby will be. Check out the BC Craft Fairs Calendar.

Is there any specific reason why we should be buying alligator plastic? Is it better than real plastic? Do tell.

Girl Guide cookies are no longer made by Mr. Christie, and have not been for many years now. Christie kept jacking the price up and Guides was feeling squeezed, so they switched to Dare. The recipe that Dare uses is different and I don't think they taste as good, especially the vanilla ones, which is sad because I only ever ate the vanilla ones, especially when no one was around to make me eat the chocolate ones to balance out the half-empty box.

As far as I know, the easiest way to get a playhouse with a table inside is to put a table inside a playhouse. I might be wrong though.

When someone searches for "nothing on nude girls" do they want to find girls that have nothing on while simultaneously having nothing on? Or is it that they don't want to find naked girls?

If something's between your teeth you should try flossing.

Sorry, I have no surefire cure for halitosis. If it's really unbearably bad and the standard stuff isn't working then maybe you should talk to your doctor.