Friday, June 10, 2005

But summer hasn't even started...

Your enrollment appointment for the 2005 Fall term commences:

3:30 PM, July 22, 2005.

After this time, you may access goSFU to enroll in classes.
The Website address is:
The Fall term code is: 1057

To view your enrollment appointment online, and to enroll in classes, you
must first pay your $100 enrollment deposit. Avoid line ups by paying via
telephone or Internet banking. Please allow five business days for your
payment to be processed; see for details.

You must also have an active SFU student computing ID and password. If
you have not yet activated your ID, go to Allow up to two days in addition to
the five business days for your enrollment deposit to go through the bank
before expecting the ID activation process to be complete.

If you do not yet have an active ID, you can still view the Schedule of
Classes and Course Catalog at or download a PDF version
of the Timetable from

For more details about goSFU, including tutorials and directions for
accessing help by phone (604-268-6930), email (, or instant
messaging help services, see

Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that
cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

Undergraduate Records
Simon Fraser University