Monday, June 06, 2005

Feng Shui

It was time for a change.

I feng shuied everything in my living room. It took all day, but I moved two book shelves out into other rooms, removed the coffee table and rearranged the chairs. It's much more open now. There's a lot more room for chi to flow, and if nothing else, at least I can walk between the living room and the hall without tripping over something. That has to be a good thing.

It is hard to say whether or not any of this will change anything. It is hard to say if I have just finally been sucked completely into the consumerist Trading Spaces dream of possessions=happiness. I can't help thinking that there is a way for people to be completely happy without the aid of worldly possessions, but perhaps I'm wrong. At least I managed to redecorate without buying anything, which at the moment, fits my budget just fine.

Now to unclutter the rooms that I just cluttered by rearranging the living room. I can't win.

I guess the problem is that I don't have enough space. Or maybe it is that I have too much stuff. I moved from a three bedroom house with attic and basement into a one bedroom basement suite in January, which means that most of my possessions are still in boxes. There just isn't enough room to unpack everything.

The more I think about it, the less I want to anyways. All I remember from the last few weeks at that house is fighting and anger. I remember packing everything and wondering why I was keeping it. Unpacking means that I will go back to the same old shit. I never want to go back.