Thursday, June 02, 2005

It's not called a murder for nothing

There is something wrong with the wildlife today.

When I woke up this morning my cat was sleeping in the sun on the back fence in our yard. While I watched, a gang of armed squirrels gathered and began to attack her from two sides. It was completely unprovoked.

While out on my morning run around the neighbourhood, I stopped at a park to look for a geocache that I knew was there. Now the trick to geocaching in urban areas is to be very inconspicuous and find them without anyone around you discovering what you are doing. The crows were making this very hard for me.

As soon as I stepped under the trees to look for the thing, some crows appeared out of nowhere and started dive-bombing me. I got pecked a couple of times and decided to leave. They're not called murders for nothing. I'll find the cache some other day.