The question on my mind is were all exams as easy during my first year as my sociology exam was today? Sheisse. First year's supposed to be hard and yet that's where I got my best marks. Go figure that.
With my takehome exam, I was faced with the problem of knowing all the material and being able to answer the question, but not knowing where the information came from and therefore being unable to cite it. At which point does information become common knowledge and cease to be the property of one particular person? That's the major reason I hate paraphrasing and summarizing things.
Lindsay says she wants to have a party in November, which seems like the perfect time for it to me. It's the only month of the year that doesn't have a decent upbeat drinking holiday.
January: New Years
February: Valentines Day (for those of us who are unencumbered by relationships and couldn't care less about the lovey dovey crap)
March: Spring Break or Reading Week (or at my school, Reading day)
April: sometimes has the Easter Long Weekend
May: Victoria Day Long Weekend
June: School's been over for a month, so you can make up your own excuse to have a party.
July: July 1st long weekend
August: BC Day long weekend, aka: they turned my birthday into a stat holiday
September: Labour Day long weekend
October: Thanksgiving and Haloween
December: Whichever winter holiday you celebrate that involves lights, gifting, food and fighting with relatives. They're all fundimentally the same.
November? Sure, November's got a long weekend, but no one ever seems to want to party on it. Instead, you have to listen to the old poppy/no poppy debate and watch American tv if you don't want to listen to people extoling the virtues of dead soldiers and listening to military planes overhead. It's an issue that I think I'll leave until closer to the date.
I don't know where I'm going with this, or even if I was going somewhere in the first place. Better to end it now.
The truth is that when I started out this blog, I thought that I was going to write absolutely everything here but in practice I don't bother. A lot of the really random things I post are there purely to distract myself from things.
In spite of what you may have read here, the combined events of the past few weeks served to turn me into a quivering mass of irrational flesh by about Fridayish. I then spent the entire weekend rearranging my brain to make it work properly again. I have two good friends to thank for helping with that. Two friends and a random stranger.
Random strangers and chance occurrences seem to be playing an increasing role in my life this year. I don't understand it at all. Maybe one day I'll explain, but I can't bring myself to talk about some of these things yet, at least, not tonight.
I have to be up at 5am tomorrow.
Monday, October 16, 2006
The APA style guide doesn't have an entry for I don't know
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10:22 PM
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