Dear Moriah upstairs,
I understand that your brother is very irritating. Most ten year old boys are. However, it's really difficult and a tad bit embarassing to talk to my employer on the phone while you're screaming at him upstairs. Seeing as you've been screaming at him hysterically for a year or so, I think it's pretty safe to assume that that doesn't work. Maybe you should try something else?
ps. please stop putting powdered laundry detergent into the liquid bleach dispenser in the washing machine. That's not where it goes.
Dear Linda,
Please answer the phone. I can't leave a message because you never check them. Don't make me go over there and ambush you.
Do I need to do a criminal record check again? I can't remember when exactly I last had that done.
Dear Meg,
This whole speaking through a third party thing is bullshit. You have both my phone number and email adress. You may talk to me directly or not at all.
Screw you,
ps. you can tell Pat to go screw himself too.
Dear Blogosphere,
I am bored. Please entertain me.
---Dear skeptical guy in my political economics class,
Yes indeed, Finland has a pretty cool broadcasting system and progressive regulation. Yes, indeed, the way that the CanCon system works in Canada isn't ideal and maybe it should be scrapped. However, there's one major thing that you fail to notice.
In Finland they have a complicated language that
a) has a million and a half unnecessary vowels
b) sounds really weird
c) is not English.
Finnish people can watch TV in Finnish and think 'hey, I'm pretty sure this isn't American programming', and watch stuff in English and think that it probably is American.
In Canada we can't exactly do the same because we kind of sound the same as Americans. Americans do a lot of things well, but they just don't make quality Canadian programming, and broadcasters usually don't show CanCon unless someone tells them to.
ps. I realize that 'quality Canadian programming' is a bit of an overstatement unless you're talking about This Hour Has 22 Minutes.
Dear Dad,
It's really nice that you make appointments for me at the bank. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know about them before it's too late for me to actually get there on time.
ps. not that I'm being picky or anything.
Dear people who read my blog,
Sorry about all the cat pictures. I'm uninspired.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Posted by
2:19 PM
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