Friday, February 10, 2006

Italics are a lost art

The same in our Apprehensions can consist
in nothing more than the brisk Activity of
our men, who in former Ages were justly esteemed the
Ablest Performers in Christendome; But to our unspeakable
Grief, we find of late a very sensible Decay of that
true Old English Vigour; our Gallants being every way so
Frenchified, that they are become meer Cock-sparrows,
fluttering things that come on Sa sa, with a world of Fury,
but are not able to stand to it, and in the very first Charge
fall down flat before us. Never did Men wear greater
or carry less in them of any Mettle whatsoever.
from The Humble Petition and Address of
several Thousands of Buxome Good-Women,
Languishing in Extremity
of Want.

Let it be known that I love old-fashioned English. The overuse of italics is sadly, a lost art.

In the interest of fairness: THE Mens Answer TO THE Womens Petition AGAINST COFFEE, VINDICATING Their own Performances, and the Vertues of that Liquor, from the Undeserved Aspersions lately cast upon them by their SCANDALOUS PAMPHLET.