I didn't just do that, did I? I promise that I will never ever do that again. Please hold me to it.
However, it has come to my attention that since I post so many pictures of my sister on my blog, people think that I'm her. Well, you see, my sister is a camera whore, so she takes a lot of pictures of herself. My camera is a bulky slr and while I absolutely love it, it's not the best thing for taking self portraits with, so I take pictures of her too. The only thing is that no one bothers to take pictures of me, and I'm not really all that photogenic anyways.
When Peter first said something about starting up a blogging circle of special people kind of like Blogebrity, but not, I thought breifly to myself that it would be cool if I was the first member. Then I dismissed the thought.
Imagine my surprise when he emailed me to ask me to be part of this special circle. I guess he thought it would be cool if I was the first member too (besides him, of course and his blog is definitely worth checking out too). So here is my nifty new button:

And here is the nice post he wrote about me. I'm not worthy and I definitely look forward to seeing what other blogs are chosen, especially since I know I could probably squeeze in some time to read a couple more. Now to find a nice place for that button...