A very happy birthday to this girl right here.
She did a rather good job of mutilating a piece of cake today.
Apparently my other cousin was so cheerful the other day that she declared that my aunt was her favourite mom so she wouldn't call her asshole anymore. She should hold her to it.
When it's cold out, I make a pot of soup every week. Always something vegetarian. Always delicious. When people are hungry or someone comes over, there's always something there if they want it. The soup usually lasts about a week, and the longer it sits, the better it gets.
Whenever someone finishes it, I make some more. Something completely different, but still delicious. I made some yesterday and it quite literally evaporated today. Now I'll have to make some more.
My sister knows a guy who crochets compulsively. He makes snowboard hats and sells them so he can pay for his lift tickets at Whistler. I have been so inspired that I kind of want to take up knitting again. People who have known me a long time will remember that I used to knit compulsively between the ages of about 6 and 8. Then I sort of grew out of it.
Sometimes I kick myself for being so bloody domestic.
My sister just got back from Mexico. She's starting to put her pictures and stories up on her blog right now. But she tells me now that she hasn't got them up yet so we'll have to wait.