If you leave your window open a crack in the fall, the ladybugs come and invade your house. They used to come in through the bathroom window and stay the winter in the attic. Then when it got warm enough, I'd gather up as many as I could find and put them back outside.
They smell funny when you piss them off.
They like eating liver flavoured cat treats, so I've been told.
My neighbour keeps bees in his fridge all winter and then he rents them out to farmers in the spring and I always thought that was kind of cool. I'm thinking that maybe I'll get some bees this summer too.
Walking down the street to my apartment, it was sunny where I was, but there was a foggy mist over the ocean, the kind you get when it's sunny here but rainy there and everything is bright.
The cherry trees by the side of the road are all in bloom. The most beautiful cherry tree of all used to be right beside my house before the bulldozers ate it. That was a year ago. Water under the bridge.
I stopped for a moment to watch a little songbird flit from branch to branch in a willow maybe a metre away. It was a species that I'd never seen before. I'll have to get my field guide out at some point.
Little birds are very high strung. I've always thought that the reason why they don't live very long is because they are never still. Like we all have the same amount of life in us and they just choose to use it up faster. Box turtles can live to be over a hundred. It makes sense.
I think someone might have come up with that thougth before me. That makes sense as well.
Standing out on my balcony I noticed that the ladybugs are back today.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Posted by
8:51 PM
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