It seems my phone got into a fight with someone over the weekend and the result is that I had an unusually high number of messages on my voicemail, 17 of which were not for me. That's in addition to the 7 text messages that were also not for me.
Unfortunately for me they weren't even remotely entertaining. It doesn't matter what the messages are, I still have to pay for them, so the least that any wrong number can do is say something funny to amuse me, especially when I'm not able to skip to the end of any of my messages. Every second counts when that's how you're billed.
Apparently some guy who mumbles and doesn't sound all that smart wants someone to pick up his or her clothes. He said in another message that he doesn't care when and in another, that his dad will help. After a while, he decided that he wasn't going to waste his time. When he said that, I was thankful. But in spite of that, he left five more messages.
Buried underneath the pile were four messages for me and by that time, it was too late for me to answer any of them. There's always tomorrow.
The interview that I was supposed to go to today has been rescheduled, and I have another one after that to go to too. Kind of makes me feel popular, though in my experience, an interview means absolutely nothing when it comes to actually getting a job.
I must say that the whole working year-round thing seems very appealing right now. It would be nice to not feel like I'm haemorrhaging money by this time of year. Not that I am. It just feels that way. I'm actually pretty good at saving and budgeting. It would just be nicer if I had a little more in my budget for my coffee and alcohol fund, that's all.
As for my phone, I'm getting kind of tired of these people fighting, the people calling for Bosco and miscelaneous guys calling me at weird hours. My phone number is really cool and easy to remember, and consequently I think it gets given out in bars a lot. I may have to change it.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
You have 21 new messages. To listen, press 1
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9:23 PM
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