Sunshine and bunnies, I promise.
Right now I'm at my apartment, attempting to coax a statistical research methods paper out of my brain before my battery dies because I wasn't brilliant enough to bring the power cord with me. It's not exactly happening as quickly as I want it to. These things seldom do.
I am listening to the radio, which is strange, because except for when I'm in the car, I don't do it. Even then, I really haven't listened to any stations with contemporary music at all for the better part of the past two years and I really have no concept of what is popular these days. It's not that new music sucks, it's just that a lot of older stuff is just better, and so much more doesn't make it on the radio. Not that I should necessarily be the judge. My musical taste is a little random and perhaps odd at the best of times.
Anyways, I made myself a pot of tea. Orange pekoe today instead of green just for a change but I forgot that I've been out of milk for a while now so because I can't possibly bring myself to add sugar to anything I'm drinking it black. The first cup was alright. The second was a little strong, but now I'm into my third cup of tea and I'm having a little trouble drinking it. If I wake up tomorrow with a chest like Chewbacca you'll know the reason why.
I have just been informed that one of the parents at my dance school has had not one but two brain aneurisms and is more or less a vegetable right now. While I would probably be the first to admit that he wasn't a very nice person to begin with, I can't say I'm happy to hear it either. Though, if you believe the least bit in karma, that would be the obvious one to blame, not that I wan to say that he deserved it or anything. Most people don't.
And with that, fair people of the internet, I leave you. My battery tells me that it has 7% remaining and I have a sneaking suspicion that that will not be enough.
I really should rearrange my priorities...
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Sunshine and bunnies
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9:00 PM
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